Ten Years of Delegated Legislation in Shenzhen SEZ Reap Remarkable Results 深圳特区授权立法十年成果彰显
This may make for confusion in responsibilities and contradictory delegated legislation. 这可能造成职责混乱,授权立法互相冲突。
Analyses the remedial measures to the deficiency in legitimacy of the delegated legislation taken by some countries in the world as well as its meanings in jurisprudence. 分析了各国对授权立法合法性欠缺的补救措施及其在法理上的意义;
I think that the main measures to supervise the Delegated legislation are to strengthen the legislative and judiciary supervision, to promote the citizen's supervision and so on. 笔者认为,对于授权立法的监督控制措施主要有加强立法监督、加强司法监督、增进公民法律监督等等。
In a verb meaning, delegated legislation is a legislative action that legislature gives its own legislative power to another organ which can undertake legislative responsibility and make laws. 授权立法,在动词意义上讲,是指立法机关将自己享有的立法权授予另一个能够承担立法责任的机关,该机关根据授权要求所进行的立法活动。
Delegated legislation is the needs of social development. 授权立法是社会发展的需要。
The concept-"delegated legislation" begins in UK and USA, that is institute legislation under the authorized law, "Authorized law" comes from parliament, legislation on the basis of this authority is called delegated legislation. 委任立法这一概念,最先出现在英美国家,是指根据授权立法制定的立法,授权法来自议会,根据这一授权进行的立法即被称为授权立法。
Theory of Legitimacy of Delegated Legislation 论授权立法的合法性
From the perspective of institution, law of regional national autonomy and legislative law, legislative institution of national autonomous areas enjoys great legislative power and delegated legislation power. 从宪法、民族区域自治法和立法法的有关条款及立法精神来看,民族自治地方的立法机关享有广泛的立法职权,可以制定实施性法规、自主性法规和变通性法规。
There are some defects in the law of legislation, so it can't be used to solve all the conflicts caused by the delegated legislation. 因为《立法法》存在缺陷,所以远不足以解决授权立法所引起的法律冲突。
The main reason of the differences is that they mix up the status and validity of delegated legislation. 产生这些分歧的主要原因在于将授权立法的位阶与授权立法的效力两个概念相混用。
In Western countries, administrative legislation is a kind of delegated legislation; 西方国家强调行政立法的授权性,而我国现行体制强调行政立法的职权性,由此形成两种行政立法体制。
In our country, Delegated legislation has developed since the reformation and opening to the outside. 在我国,授权立法基本是在改革开放以后才开始发展起来的,由于我国立法欠债太多,而经济的迅速发展又亟需法律为之提供保障和引导。
This paper points out the problems in our country's legislative practice, and put forward some measures to supervise the Delegated legislation by analyzing some fundamental theoretical categories. 本文试图从剖析授权立法的几个基本理论范畴出发,指出我国授权立法实践中存在的大量问题并提出监督控制授权立法的措施。
As a kind of legal system, delegated legislation started from 1830's England, then word-wide spreaded. 委任立法是自19世纪30年代由英国开始,20世纪在世界各国得到广泛发展的一项法律制度。
In our country, disputes, collision and misunderstanding accompany the starting and development of delegated legislation of administration. 在我国,行政授权立法的肇始及其发展始终伴随着争议、碰撞和理解错位。
In order to improve social benefit of the delegated legislation, the author suggests that we should establish other laws and external methods to restrict Legislator. 要提高授权立法的社会效益,就必须加强对授权行为的规制,明确权力秩序,确立授权禁区。另外,授权还必须具有明确性,对立法者必须具有他律和外部制约措施。
The Supervision to Delegated Act in Delegated Legislation& A Comparison of Each Countries 'Present System and the Rethinking of Chinese Present System 论对授权立法中授权行为的监控&各国现制比较及我国现制之反省
And also, the transformation from authority legislation to delegated legislation is necessary and feasible. 通过对授权明确性原则的从宽掌握,这种转变也是可行的。
The reason responsible for the conflicts lies in the wide range of delegating bodies, the uncertainty of the period, the range and the standard of delegation, and the lack of supervision on the delegated legislation. 冲突成因在于授权主体的广泛性、授权期限、范围、授权标准不明确、超越授权立法以及监督不力。
To join WTO, China's special economic zone is bound to be a link-up between WTO regulations and China's law through the advantage of delegated legislation. 随着入世,国内法与WTO规则的接轨在即。中国经济特区要发挥授权立法试验优势为全局立法导航。
The system of delegated legislation to Special economic zone should be abolished 经济特区授权立法制度应被废除